KNN Activities' Overview
The friendly, rotating groups of individuals makes KNN unique… THE ROTATIONS: Kenmure Newcomers and Neighbors (KNN) offers new residents as well as existing the opportunity to participate in various events while at the same time getting to know your neighbors. KNN accomplishes building lasting relationships through having three rotations per year lasting four months, an appropriate timeframe with which to get to know the people in your groups: February – May June – September October – January
KNN EVENTS: involve (r) Required Hosting, (o) Occasional Hosting, and (n) Non-Hosting opportunities. For NEW KNN members who join between rotations, you may sign up for any “Occasional-Hosting” and “Non-Hosting” events, as well as be listed as a substitute for any “ Required Hosting” activities (please contact your neighborhood representative and they will help you). In addition, you may also sign up for KNN Parties throughout the year, of which there are usually four. THE GROUPS: Prior to the rotation beginning all KNN members will be able to select the group(s) and events in which they would like to participate. There are three types of groups: (r) Cocktails & Conversation (r) Dining at the Grill (r) Happy Hour Wine Tasting (r) Meet & Eat (r) Dining In (r) Ladies Lunch Bunch (r) Dining Out (r) Men’s Breakfast/Lunch (r) Pizza Night
(r) Game Night (o) Happy Needlers (n) Hiking (o) Women’s Book Club (n) Arts & Adventures (n) Soles on the Sidewalk Due to the complexity of coordinating schedules with others within your specific rotations, as well as your availability to host, you may wish to limit the number of activities for which you sign up. When you sign up for a rotation, you are doing so to meet and enjoy both new and existing members. |
Required Hosting EventsREQUIRED HOSTING EVENTS - DINING Happy Hour Wine Tasting – An opportunity to get to know each other while experiencing the pleasures of wine tasting. Certainly, learning about wines is one of the goals, but that is secondary to the primary experience of fun and fellowship. This event is all about being with neighbors in an informal, easy and fun atmosphere. You do not have to be a wine connoisseur, or a gourmet cook to enjoy Happy Hour Wine Tasting. Group size & hosting: 8 people or 4 couples. Each couple/single takes a turn as a host in their home once in each 4-month rotation, as well as coordinating dates. The recommended menu: Heavy appetizers supplied by each participant and wine supplied by the host. You may wish to check-out the local wine shops to guide your selection.
Cocktails & Conversation – Is a casual activity similar to Happy Hour Wine Tasting, but for those who love cocktails! Each month the host will feature a special cocktail or favorite spirit. This activity is for mingling, enjoying a cocktail or two along with finger food. You do not need to be a mixologist to enjoy this activity, but if you like trying new drinks or sharing your favorite spirit this might be for you! The host would be expected to have a basic bar with the essential spirits (vodka, gin, bourbon, etc.), fizzy mixers and garnishes. The host should plan on serving a couple of drinks per guest. Ideas for Cocktails: The host might choose to offer a basic cocktail like a vodka martini or gin and tonic. Or perhaps, the host wants to serve a specialty cocktail. There are drinks for every state and many countries. Choose a drink from your home state or favorite vacation. Or pick a seasonal cocktail: spring and summer call for something refreshing while cold months call for a cozy cocktail. Or consider a theme: Mad Men Martinis, Derby Day Mint Juleps or Cinco de Mayo Margaritas. Group size & hosting: 8 people or 4 couples. Each couple/single takes a turn as a host in their home once in each 4-month rotation, as well as coordinating dates. The recommended menu: Heavy appetizers supplied by all participants and the host supplies spirits. Dining In – If breaking bread with friends, the culinary arts and entertaining in your home interests you, perhaps you will wish to join this group! Participants need not be gourmet, or even great cooks, and should not think of it as a dinner party, but rather just a casual way to get together with new friends and neighbors. Group size & hosting: 8 people or 4 couples. Each couple/single takes a turn as a host in their home once in each 4-month rotation, including coordinating dates. The recommended menu: The host provides beverages and the main course. The host assigns each couple/single one course to bring, appetizer, salad, vegetable, dessert. It is also a good idea to check with your guests about any food allergies or dislikes.
Dining Out – If you are interested in gaining familiarity with noteworthy restaurants in your community, Dining Out is the event for you! Group size & hosting: 8 people or 4 couples. Each month a couple/single takes turn as a host to plan the evening. This includes coordinating dates and hosting the group in your home before dinner. The host also selects a restaurant and makes the reservation for the group, if the restaurant requires. Recommended menu: Prior to dining would include beverages and appetizers, or after-dinner for dessert and a beverage.
Pizza Night – If you are a pizza lover, and who isn’t, this activity may soon become one of your favorites! Pizza Night is designed to be a very casual meal in the host(s) home. The host(s) simply decide whether they wish to order pizza in or make pizza, provide a side (examples include: salad, chips, fries, garlic knots, dessert) and provide beverages for the group. Group size & hosting: 6 people or 3 couples. Each couple/single takes a turn as a host in their home one in each 4-month rotation, including coordinating dates. The recommended menu: The host provides pizza, salad and beverages. It is also a good idea to check with your guests about any food allergies or dislikes. Dining at the Grill – If at times you wish to be a little bit closer to home and take advantage of the many amenities right here, this group may just be the ticket. This group gathers for dinner at the Kenmure Country Club (KCC) Grill Room. First year members of KNN who have not yet joined KCC as well as all “Grandfathered” members are eligible to participate. These members will be required to pay KCC for their dinner with a credit card on the evening of the scheduled dinner. Group size & hosting: 6 people or 3 couples. Each month a couple/single takes turn as a host to plan the evening. This includes coordinating dates, making reservations at the club and hosting the group in your home either prior or subsequent to dining. Recommended menu: Prior to dinner would include beverages and appetizers, or post-meal a dessert and a beverage would be appropriate.
Meet and Eat – This group meets entirely at the Grill, no hosting in your home. First year members of KNN who have not yet joined KCC as well as all “Grandfathered” members are eligible to participate. These members will be required to pay KCC for their dinner with a credit card on the evening of the scheduled dinner. Group size & hosting: 6 people or 3 couples. Each month a couple/single takes turn as a host to plan the evening. This includes coordinating dates and making the reservation with the club for the group.
Ladies’ Lunch Bunch – The group meets monthly at a local restaurant. Group size & hosting: 4 or 5 individuals. Each month the members take turns as a host to plan the event. This includes coordinating dates, selecting a restaurant and making the reservation, if required.
Men’s Breakfast-Lunch Group – Members meet once a month for either breakfast or lunch at a local restaurant. Lively discussion takes place as the group solves the problems of the world! Group size & hosting: 4 or 5 individuals. Each month the members take turns as a host to plan the event. This includes coordinating dates, selecting a restaurant, and making the reservation, if required. |
Required Hosting EventsREQUIRED HOSTING EVENTS - GAMES Game Night – If you like to shake things up and play a variety of games, be it Charades, Bunco, board games, Chickenfoot dominoes, or cards, THIS event is for YOU! Group size & hosting: 6 people or 3 couples. Each couple/single takes a turn as a host in their home once in each 4-month rotation. The host coordinates the date and time with the group. Recommended menu: The host provides beverages and a light after-dinner snack. |
Occasional Hosting EventsOCCASIONAL HOSTING EVENTS - ACTIVITIES Happy Needlers – Member brings needlework of her choice – quilting, knitting, embroidery, etc. Group size & hosting: The group size is flexible. The designated host will plan a gathering at her home on the second Friday of each month at 10:30 a.m. All participants are expected to host once during the calendar year. Recommended menu: The hostess may provide beverages.
Women’s Book Club – A discussion leader charts the course for members in a discussion of a pre-selected book. Book selections are chosen by the group in January of each year. Group size & hosting: The group size is flexible. The designated host will plan a gathering at her home on the third Wednesday of each month at 2:00 p.m (except in December). All participants are expected to host once during the calendar year. Recommended menu: The hostess provides beverages and a light snack.
Non-Hosting EventsNON-HOSTING EVENTS - ACTIVITIES Hiking – This group provides an opportunity to meet neighbors who share an interest in exploring the varied hiking trails in our area once per month. Hikes are led by volunteers from the group and typically last 3-4 hours and will be either Easy or Moderate in difficulty. Group size & hosting: The group size is flexible. The hiking leader for the month coordinates the date with members. Hiking participants are contacted via email a week in advance to the hike. Participants will meet in Kenmure’s lower parking lot before leaving for the trailhead. Hikers may decide whether to drive separately or carpool. Soles on the Sidewalk – If achieving a bit of exercise through walking is more your speed, then sign-up for this activity! You will also have the opportunity to meet other Kenmure neighbors who enjoy the outdoors while taking part in a brisk walk. Monthly walks are led by volunteers from the group and typically last 1-2 hours and will be on a relatively flat surface. For walking trails outside of Flat Rock and Hendersonville, please incorporate travel time and may encompass upwards to 3 hours. Group size & hosting: The group size is flexible. The leader for the month coordinates the date with members. Participants are contacted via email a week in advance to the walk. Participants will meet in Kenmure’s lower parking lot before leaving for the walk. Walkers may decide whether to drive separately or carpool. Arts & Adventure – A&A explores the many and varied places, events, and cultural offerings in our area: museums, art galleries, exhibits, historical sites, festivals, sporting events, etc. All KNN members will receive A&A event notification via email, to include details and cost per person. Online reservations may be made approximately six weeks in advance of the event, and are on a first-come, first-serve basis. Waitlists will be utilized, so please sign up if you are interested even if all spots are filled. Excursions usually require a half-day. Lunch or dinner before or after is usually booked by the A&A leader. Any cost for lunch or dinner is the responsibility of the participant. For certain events, transportation by trolley bus or coach will be arranged at a cost per person. If carpooling for the event, each passenger should expect to contribute to the cost of transportation to the person driving their vehicle. In general, A&A Leaders plan three excursions each rotation. Line Dancing accompanied by Lunch (at the member’s expense) will be offered two or three times a year.
KNN Parties – Gather in fellowship by attending KNN parties and enjoying entertaining programs. Dates for parties are sent out in advance via email and are published in our newsletter. Online reservations are available about a month prior to the event. |
As the new rotation begins you will receive emails to schedule group activities. To facilitate scheduling, please be mindful of your emails. In addition, you may wish to bring your calendar to your group’s meeting to schedule future meetings during the rotation. If you are unable to fulfill your hosting duties during the rotation, it may be rolled into the following rotation, allowing everyone an opportunity to host.
In the event of a cancellation, remember to utilize the sub-list, preferably selecting new members, giving them the opportunity to participate.