The organization:
Kenmure Newcomers & Neighbors (KNN) is a way to meet and socialize with members of the Kenmure and Berwick Downs communities.
Eligibility for membership:
All Kenmure and Berwick Downs property owners are eligible for membership. KNN success is a result of the volunteers who have worked untiringly since its inception and a membership that enthusiastically greets each new member. In fact, KNN is a major selling tool when real estate agents are showing property in Kenmure or it's sister community, Berwick Downs. If you elect to purchase property within these communities, you are also eligible to take part in our wonderful neighborhood organization. Click here for information on joining.
Concept development:
The concept of an organization for newcomers was originally presented to the Kenmure Country Club Board of Governors by Alice Soder. The idea was endorsed and referred to the social committee; Betty Watson, secretary, presented the idea in the newsletter and several persons responded.
Transition from Newcomers to Kenmure Newcomers & Neighbors:
As the organization developed, members so enjoyed the activities that the length of time one could remain a member was extended several times. It was so successful, in fact, that residents who were outside the residency window also wanted to join. Therefore, in 2005, a study group was formed to explore opening membership to all Kenmurans. The group included long-time residents and KCC representatives, as well as Newcomers Board members. It resulted in the following eligibility requirements that were approved by the membership on a one-year trial basis:
- Membership would be open to all Kenmure property owners, regardless of the length of time they had lived in Kenmure.
- Kenmure Country Club membership would be required after one year in Kenmure Newcomers (see below for reasons).
- Twenty-nine households were excluded from the above requirement because they were existing members of Newcomers, but not members of KCC and were therefore, "grandfathered in" (see Bylaws Sections III C & E).
- As of February, 2021 there are 4 Grandfathered members remaining. The others have since joined KCC, moved out of Kenmure or are no longer members of KNN.
When open membership was initially considered, KCC representatives voiced concerns that Newcomers might meet all the social needs of residents for a very modest fee ($30 per year at the time), thus negating the benefit of KCC Membership.
- KCC is a vital part of the Kenmure community. In addition to providing sports, social and dining facilities, it increases the value of all Kenmure real estate. Its success helps to ensure our property and resale values, and is essential to life in Kenmure as we know it.
KNN recognized the above and the importance of working in harmony with KCC. Therefore, it was agreed that KCC membership would be required after one year in KNN.Open membership becomes permanent:
Due to the popularity of the open membership trial program, the membership voted in November, 2006 to:
- Permanently open membership to all Kenmure property owners.
- Continue the KCC membership requirement.
- Change the name of the organization to Kenmure Newcomers & Neighbors.
Year-by-Year Development of KNN
Thanks to Betty Watson and Sylvia Jordan for recording their recollections of the early years.We'd love to add your memories and comments on any of these items. Please email Database Chair.
1998–99: Sylvia Jordan, President. Margaret Wagner, Barb Rusch, Sylvia Jordan and twenty-seven other enthusiastic women met on October 13, 1998. It was agreed that membership would be open to residents who had lived in Kenmure for three years or less. Newcomers would be a social organization that would reach out to new people moving to Kenmure, make them feel welcome and get them involved immediately with other new people in Kenmure.
2000: Sylvia Jordan, President. In February, a bylaws committee composed of chairperson Dick Kirkman, Dave Kierleber, Meredith Kuehn and Dean Jackson was formed to draft bylaws and the first executive board was elected. The initial all-member dinner was held in February, with Dennis Romeo relating his memories of Kenmure in the days when his father was developing it as a golf course community. In December, approximately 100 members attended the holiday dinner dance.
2001: Joyce Robb, President. Newcomers became so popular that members didn’t want to leave so an alumnae classification was created for members who had been in three years or more; they were allowed to vote but not hold office.
- Kenmure Newcomers went under the umbrella of Kenmure Property Owners Association (KPOA). This association gives access to the website and the ability to post notices in the KPOA newsletter. Newcomers is self-funding and continues to operate independently. A membership chair was put in place for the following year.
2002: Barbara Holmes, President. Kim Weatherby developed our database application that incorporates all membership and activity information. She also designed a folder describing Newcomers that was well received. Compassionate Catering was started under the direction of Madelon Recke and Dale Tait who organized the delivery of many meals to those who were ill.
2003: Kathy Meersman, President. The newsletter editor became a non-voting board member, thus attending all meetings. The alumnae classification was changed to four years because many were not eligible to serve on the board under the previous three-year rule.
2004: Cynthia Vilseck, President. Newcomers continues to grow. After many serious years, it was time to put the focus on fun and relaxation for groups and events. There was a gourmet picnic at Furman University and the most theatrical board ever entertained all with their “packing box” skit at the Kenmure Talent Show.
2005: Donna Hastie, President.
- A study group consisting of past and present Newcomers presidents and representatives from KCC, KPOA and KN was formed to review the organization as it related to Kenmure as a whole.
- Upon consideration of their recommendations and those of the board, the membership voted to: (1) broaden its purpose to include meeting existing as well as new members; (2) have a single classification of membership with no restriction on term of membership; (3) make all members eligible for office; (4) open membership to all Kenmure property owners for the year 2006; (5) require Kenmure Country Club membership after one year in Newcomers for all members except those who were not KCC members at the time of the vote; (6) expand the six-member executive board to a nine-member board of directors in order to meet the needs of the growing organization.
2006: Susan Bush, President.The Open Enrollment program proved very popular, with 35 existing Kenmure households joining our ranks.
- Therefore, the membership voted to change the name from Kenmure Newcomers to Kenmure Newcomers & Neighbors and to keep membership open to all Kenmure property owners forevermore.
The addition of 36 new households resulted in the addition of seven more Area Captains. A brochure was developed for use by the membership committee; the newsletter format and its processing were upgraded. Policies were initiated to provide consistency in actions taken by the Board of Directors.
2007: Joyce Opsahl, President. This was our first year as Kenmure Newcomers & Neighbors and we continued to focus on meeting new and existing members. Due to the increased membership, our efforts were concentrated on streamlining procedures so that we could reduce the number of volunteer hours required. Stan Christman developed a new database program in order to simplify our procedures.
2008: Bonnie Niehoff, President.
Kenmure Newcomers and Neighbors has truly joined the computer age.
- This was the first year that the membership could use Stan Christman’s database program for choosing their activity groups and receiving activity packets.
- Larry Rostetter took us even further by developing online activity group signup for the membership and also developed our first website.
2009: Susan Bush, President.
- A new website was developed with an online database that allows us to update pages and events ourselves. It provides news and information for members and is used for activity group and dinner sign-ups.
- The membership directory is now online and the printed directory was eliminated. Stan Christman integrated the website database with his existing KNN database, resulting in a very sophisticated system that cut out much of the work that had previously been done manually.
- This meant we needed fewer volunteers, so the Area Captain system was disbanded and the membership was reorganized into Communities and Neighborhoods.
- The new Community Patio Parties brought us together in smaller groups and were a big hit, as was the switch to color for the newsletter.
- The membership voted to allow property owners of its sister community, Berwick Downs, to join KNN.
- KCC changed its policy and now permits the entire membership to attend KNN activities held there, including Dining at the Grill and Lunch Bunch.
- The Bylaws were rewritten and approved at the November dinner. All in all, a busy and productive year.
2010: Edie Lang, President. The integration of the website with the KNN database continued to grow and simplify many of the previously labor intensive tasks that were involved in activity selection.
- All of our members now use the system and manual delivery of activity packets has almost disappeared. Many more of our members also began using the website to register for dinners. The Community Patio parties continue to be extremely popular.
- This year we also introduced a new activity: Ladies Movie/Arts which has been very successful. Also introduced this year was the organization of KNN tables at a KCC dinner event. This proved welcome to new members and those who did not wish to arrange their own groups. After a slow start, this summer finally saw an increase of new members - perhaps a sign of some revival of real estate sales in Kenmure.
2011: Sylvia Tennille, President. 2011 was a year of increased memberships in KNN, which was an economic plus for our community.
- The purchase of a permanent office building by KPOA also provided a location for our monthly KNN Board meetings and storage site. The position of Community Leader was eliminated and our Neighborhood Representatives now report directly to our Vice President.
- With encouragement from representatives of the KPOA Board, KEI management, and KCC management, our KNN Board voted in December 2011 to ask our membership to allow renters living in Kenmure to join KNN. This was seen to be a potential economic stimulus for Kenmure by providing a great way for more new people to learn the advantages of living in our community.
2012: Jeanne Sudderth, President. This year we accomplished the goals that we set for ourselves and continued to build on the wonderful base that we inherited from other hard-working Boards.
- In March 2012, we brought to a vote the bylaw change that allowed qualified Kenmure renters to be eligible for membership in our organization.
- We updated member database profiles and then published the first KNN Directory since 2008. We added some fun new activities to our roster of things to do, updated member photos in our database, solidified some accounting functions, revised the online job descriptions for our Board, and restructured the Patio Parties to encourage more participation in these fun events. Best of all though, we were able to add some wonderful new members to our organization.
2013: Lynn Johnson, President. KNN continued to thrive on the efforts and dedication of all past Boards. This year had exemplary Board members who brought their creativity and fresh ideas to our organization.
- Activities asked our membership for suggestions on new group activities resulting in the addition of Chickenfoot Dominoes and Winery/Brewery Visits to our choices of fun things to do.
- The KNN newsletter was updated and expanded to include more color photos and an additional page. For the first time, we had 2 co-chairs for Programs which seemed to make the job easier by sharing responsibilities for setting up our dinner arrangements.
- As we sought new Board members for 2014, a change was made to divide the responsibilities for Programs. The Program Chair will now be responsible for the dinner entertainment only, and the Vice President will take responsibility for the dinner menus. Lastly, due to the efforts of our very hard-working Membership Chair, we were very pleased to add 15 new members to our membership roster.
2014: Betty Brown, President. This was a good year for KNN with a great BOD. We had continued growth of 29 new members. Job Description changes for the 2014 VP and Program positions, made at the end of 2013, proved to be more functional. The Visit Wineries/Breweries and Dining-In Activities continued for the June-September rotation only.
- KCC, KPOA and KNN representatives met together to eliminate any duplication of efforts and, for the first time, include KNN information combined into one packet for new Kenmure property owners and renters available at the KPOA office. The packet now includes KNN’s President’s Letter, Newsletter, and list of Activities.
2015: Terrie Haft, President. Based on the results of a survey sent out to the entire KNN Membership, changes were made to our dinner format. We moved from a traditional sit down dinner to a more casual buffet/station style dinner. The Board also voted to subsidize $2.00 off each meal at the three KNN dinners.
- Berwick Downs was incorporated into the Kenmure Drive Neighborhood.
- Art & About was added to our list of Activity offerings. The Newsletter was expanded to include a “Spotlight on Your Neighbors” section. Our Membership Chair worked tirelessly to recruit 34 new KNN members.
2016: CC Blackburn, President. The goal for 2016 was to enhance communications and streamline systems to meet an increasingly tech-savvy membership. With Susan Boland working diligently to update the tech-tools throughout the year, our members and prospects received more information in a clearer, more concise format. With a helpful nudge from a healthy real estate market, Marian Hansen's hard work paid off with a membership gain of just under 15%.
2017: Karen Balkman, President. Membership in KNN reached the goal of over 200 households due to the diligent efforts of membership chair, Connie Blanton and Neighborhood Rep follow-up with new residents who had not yet joined KNN.
- The Neighborhood Rep program was expanded with Karen Balkman's care; Beth Rountree worked to refine our activities; Virginia Rehn found us wonderful entertainment for our 'party' events while Karen Pryde produced our newsletters; Beth Couch kept our books and Donna Johnson, documented our history. A successful year!
2018: Nancy Benyon, President. This year, the Board focused on growing membership and streamlining processes. We focused on growing our membership by continuing to encourage Neighborhood Reps to contact all new residents of Kenmure, and not just new KNN members. Articles and photos began to be published periodically in Beyond the Links. Membership grew to 224 households and parties and rotation activities were well-attended.
- Parties were so well attended the decision was made to limit the June party to KNN members only. This party had previously been open to all Kenmure residents, regardless of KNN or KCC membership.
- We also focused on streamlining several areas. The quarterly KNN newsletter was published and delivered electronically to most members, saving printing and mailing costs. Membership records were consolidated so that each household now has only one KNN account. Total online party registration (rather than allowing the previous option of calling KCC to make a reservation) was begun as a trial in 2017. It was deemed successful and permanently implemented in 2018.
- Additionally, Louise and Brant Moore donated a used laptop to KNN for use by the Database/Technology Chair. This computer will travel to each successive Database/Technology Chair to allow for easier database maintenance. Thanks to a dedicated and cohesive Board of Directors, 2018 was an excellent year for the organization.
2019: Jane Irwin, President.
KNN had a busy year in 2019.We added 35 new members!Diane Speese, Entertainment Chair, added music to the patio parties.Louise Moore’s gift of a laptop computer allowed the KNN database to reside on a dedicated machine that could travel with the incoming chair instead of needing to be installed on a new computer with each board turnover.To be proactive on the software front, the Board held discussions on the health and future of the KNN database program.
Following activity reviews and membership input, the Ladies Bridge and Wineries and Breweries activities were dropped for lack of interest. In their place, the board added Meet and Eat, and Game Night. Meet and Eat participants eat at the Grill, but unlike the Dining at the Grill activity, do not gather at the host’s home first. Game night is a hosting activity where each month’s host selects a game for four couples and provides snacks and a dessert.
The Board adopted communications lead Maral Johnson’s suggestion to add a summer e-blast to enhance communications.
Continuing the previous year’s investigation of liability insurance, the board voted to require the signing of a waiver by each KNN member. The board also clarified dues language and membership participation is hosting activities.
2020: Deborah Bartee, President
2021: Elizabeth McCormick, PresidentI've enjoyed my year of Presidency and one of my goals was to increase KNN membership. To this end, the KNN Board started several new programs: 1) A 'Welcome to Kenmure' outreach whereby the Neighborhood Representatives (NR's) deliver a small welcome plant to a new resident. We also designed KNN business cards with the KNN website address and NR name and contact info to accompany each plant. KNN Vice President, Elizabeth McCormick has done a great job this year of streamlining the process by which a NR reaches out to new residents. KNN Membership Chair, Suzanne Hampton has worked with the NR's in keeping them apprised of new residents in the neighborhoods. 2) The KNN introductory letters in the KPOA packets have been replaced with a colorful brochure depicting the KNN activities and parties (thank you Elizabeth and Maral Johnson for spearheading). 3) Due to new construction and new sales in Kenmure the NR regions are being revamped with additional NR's being added. These are a few of the things your board has been working on behind the scenes besides dealing with a pandemic and its effect on all of the years planned events.
In spite of all that has happened this year, I am happy to report that Kenmure has had a banner year in home sales with 64 new residents. Of these 64 new homeowners, 35 have joined KNN...over half!! I think all things considered our team did a great job of recruiting new members to KNN. Consider that in 2019 we had 31 new members. Thank you to all our new members for joining Kenmure Newcomers and Neighbors. God willing and with a little help from new vaccines, we hope to be back in business by summer. Our abbreviated Spring Rotation is an attempt at normalcy and may need to be tweaked as we get closer and conditions change. For example, as of this writing due to current Covid-19 guidelines the Kenmure Grill can only seat 4 at a table though we are planning for groups of 6 or 3 couples for spring Meet and Eat. This is a fluid situation and we ask for your understanding as we will address changes as necessary .
Thanks again to the entire Board for their hard work and decision making in hard times, and to the understanding of our community as we did our best to meet the challenges this year presented.
To quote a dear friend ”Lean gently into the New Year and above all, lean firmly into HOPE.”
2022: Leslie Robins, PresidentAlthough Covid put a damper on KNN events, membership continued to grow. We have added 56 new members this year bringing our membership to approximately 293 households. Due to the increase in people moving into Kenmure we increased our number of Neighborhood Reps from 8 to 13. These ladies Effie Loree, Clara Balling, Kathy Brady, Jane Johnson, Kim Sanders, Bonnie Mangold, Karen Olson, Karen Balkman, Linda Winans, Karen Gerni, Carmen Lehtinen and Paula Willits) have done an outstanding job of welcoming our new neighbors and helping to increase KNN membership.
KNN Rotation participation continued to increase with our newest activity, Cocktails and Conversation becoming quite popular. Arts and Adventures leaders Vicki Altmeyer, Al Reams and Mike and Debbie Burke, planned some amazing outings such as an Evening with Marked Tree Vineyard, a Tryon wine tour, Topgolf and a Baseball Night out in Greenville.
This year KNN decided to update our liability waiver and purchase a liability insurance policy to protect our board members, volunteer leaders and members. To cover the cost of the policy the KNN board is raising the cost of dues from $40 to $60. As a reminder, KNN was established in 2005 and dues have not increased since 2006. Membership dues help to cover the costs associated with parties, decorations and entertainment, website maintenance and subscriptions, as well as provide supplemental monies for Arts & Adventures and other marketing tools such as the KNN newsletter and brochures.
KNN also sponsored our first MANNA Food Drive with Maral Johnson and Mary Bouchard spearheading this event. Kenmure residents responded whole heartedly by donating approximately 1,670 pounds of food and $17,526.
Finally, the KNN board has tried to be proactive and fluid in establishing Covid Guidelines. We will continue to follow KCC, the CDC and NC protocols and ask for your cooperation when attending KNN events.
I would like to thank the 2021 KNN board, Vice President and Activities Chair, Leslie Robins, Secretary Katie Glockler, Treasurer Mary Bouchard, Communications and Newsletter Chair Maral Johnson, Database and Technology Chair Sally Hale, Membership Chair Suzanne Hampton and Entertainment Chair Robin Steinberg for their dedication, energy and time devoted to KNN.
I am grateful for the Nominating Committee on an outstanding job on finding nominees to fill the upcoming vacancies - Nominating Committee Chair Maral Johnson, and her committee including Sue Gordon, Bonnie Niehoff, Jane Irwin and Jane Johnson.
The 2022 KNN Slate of Officers were presented and affirmed at the Autumn Extravaganza - President Leslie Robins, Vice President Suzanne Hampton, Treasurer Laura Martin, Secretary Katie Glockler, Entertainment Chair Robin Steinberg, Activities Chair Carol Battocchio, Database & Website Chair Sally Hale, Communications & Newsletter Chair Maral Johnson and Membership Chair Beth Rountree.
In closing, I would like to thank you for your support and participation in KNN activities and parties. It is your participation that ensures the continued success of Kenmure Newcomers and Neighbors.
2023: Suzanne Hampton, PresidentIt’s been a privilege to serve as the 2022 KNN President. I was very fortunate to work with a phenomenal group of Board members. After two years of having to adjust to the realities of Covid, the year 2022 was an exciting one for KNN as we were once again able to offer a full range of activities. A sense of normalcy returned.
KNN added two new parties to our social calendar: “Mad About Martinis” and “Ladies Night Out”. In addition, Bunco was added as a rotation activity.
While we were planning these new events, throughout the year we were also doing an extensive review of each Board and Board Support Member’s job description, duties and responsibilities, updating and refining as needed.
The Board also addressed policy matters and voted to require all volunteers be Kenmure Country Club members and volunteer’s primary residence be in either Kenmure or Berwick Downs. In addition, the Board voted to define a “household” as any two adults living at the same address.
The Board discussed the future of the KNN database program. This important issue will continue to be addressed in 2023. The Board did however add a Database Assistant position for 2023.
After two years of a very active real estate market in Kenmure, the market slowed considerably as there were fewer properties or lots available for purchase. Even with the tight market KNN added 33 new member households to our organization.
KNN had close to 50 volunteers in 2022. It’s those volunteers that make KNN so successful. I would like to thank the following Board members for their dedication and friendship: Vice President Suzanne Hampton, Secretary Katie Glockler, Treasurer Laura Martin, Activities Chair Carol Battocchio, Newsletter/Communications Chair Maral Johnson, Database/Technology Chair Sally Hale, Membership Chair Beth Rountree, Entertainment Chair Robin Steinberg and Member 2 Member Coordinator Lisa Raufeisen.
Thanks to a strong Board and enthusiastic volunteers and members, 2022 was an excellent year for KNN.
To celebrate KNN’s 25th year, we hosted a Silver Jubilee themed summer party; the newsletter highlighted our past presidents in the Spotlight article; and we submitted an article for the local magazine, The Stroll. Our wonderful board, consisting of Vice President Elizabeth McCormick, Treasurer Laura Martin, Secretary Carmen Lehtinen, Communications & Newsletter Chair Maral Johnson, Membership Chair Beth Rountree, Activities Chair Carol Battocchio, Database Chair Sally Hale, Entertainment Chair Diane Speese, Database Assistant Chuck Batherson, and Member to Member Coordinator Lisa Raufeisen, had many accomplishments this year.
2024: Elizabeth McCormick, President
In 2024, KKN members enjoyed:
I would like to thank the 2024 KNN Board. These individuals work tirelessly behind the scenes, and they’re the reason KNN thrives: Lynne Stine - Vice President, Kim Sanders – Treasurer, Carmen Lehtinen – Secretary, Maral Johnson - Communications Chair, Bev Rakow - Membership Chair, Karen Gerni - Activities Chair, Sally Hale - Database Chair, Chuck Batherson- Database Assistant, Dianne Speese - Entertainment Chair and Linda Winans - Member to Member Chair.
While we’ll be saying goodbye to some board members, the KNN nominating committee has done an outstanding job filling these positions. Thank you to Carmen Lehtinen, Nancy Benyon, Suzanne Hampton, Jane Irwin, and Leslie Robins.
The 2025 KNN Slate of Officers were presented and affirmed at the 2024 KNN Fall Party: President: Lynne Stine, Vice President: Amy Scholtz, Secretary: Flora Hobson, Treasurer: Kim Sanders, Communications Chair: Maral Johnson, Membership Chair: Vicki Morgan, Activities Chair: Karen Gerni, Entertainment Chair: Eileen Moore, Database/Website Chair: Chuck Batherson, with Sally Hale as Assistant and Member to Member Chair: Linda Winans.
In closing, I’d like to recognize all our KNN volunteers. The KNN Board deeply appreciates your dedication and service. Most of all, thank you to each of you, our members. It's your warmth and friendliness that make KNN the welcoming community it is.
2025: Pres: Lynne Stine; VP: Amy Scholz; Secretary, Flora Hobson, Treas. Kim Sanders; Activities: Karen Gerni; Database/Website: Chuck Batherson & Sally Hale; Membership: Vicki Morgan; Communications/Newsletter: Maral Johnson; Programs/Entertainment: Eileen Moore; Member to Member, LInda Winans
Previous Boards:
2024: Pres: Elizabeth McCormick; VP: Lynne Stine; Secretary, Carmen Lehtinen, Treas. Kim Sanders; Activities: Karen Gerni; Database/Website: Sally Hale & Chuck Batherson; Membership: Bev Rakow; Communications/Newsletter: Maral Johnson; Programs/Entertainment: Dianne Speese; Member to Member, LInda Winans
2023: Pres: Suzanne Hampton; VP: Elizabeth McCormick; Secretary, Carmen Lehtinen, Treas. Laura Martin; Activities: Carol Battocchio; Database/Website: Sally Hale & Chuck Batherson; Membership: Beth Rountree; Communications/Newsletter: Maral Johnson; Programs/Entertainment: Dianne Speese; Member to Member, Lisa Raufeisen
2022: Pres:Leslie Robins; VP: Suzanne Hampton; Secretary, Katie Glockler, Treas. Laura Martin; Activities: Carol Battocchio; Database/Website: Sally Hale; Membership: Beth Rountree; Communications/Newsletter: Maral Johnson; Programs/Entertainment: Robin Steinberg; Member to Member, Lisa Raufeisen
2021: Pres:Elizabeth McCormick; VP: Diana Seekely/Leslie Robins; Secretary, Katie Glockler, Treas. Mary Bouchard; Activities: Leslie Robins; Database/Website: Sally Hale; Membership: Suzanne Hampton; Communications/Newsletter: Maral Johnson; Programs/Entertainment: Robin Steinberg
2020: Pres: Deborah Bartee; VP: Elizabeth McCormick; Secretary, Linda Daleure, Treas. Mary Bouchard; Activities: Leslie Robins; Database/Website: Sally Hale; Membership: Suzanne Hampton; Communications/Newsletter: Maral Johnson; Programs/Entertainment: Charlotte Hooker
2019: Pres: Jane Irwin; VP: Deborah Bartee; Secretary, Linda Daleure; Treas. Bonnie Mangold; Activities: Margie Scott; Database/Website: Louise Moore & Sally Hale; Membership: Effie Loree; Communications/Newsletter: Maral Johnson; Programs/Entertainment: Dianne Speese
2018: Pres: Nancy Benyon; VP: Jane Irwin; Secretary, Candice McGinnis, Treas. Bonnie Mangold; Activities: Margie Scott; Database/Website: Susan Boland & Sally Hale; Membership: Connie Blanton; Communications/Newsletter: Karen Pryde; Programs/Entertainment: Louise Moore
2017: Pres: Karen Balkman; VP: Nancy Benyon; Secretary, Candice McGinnis, Treas. Beth Couch; Activities: Beth Rountree; Database/Website: Susan Boland & Sally Hale; Membership: Connie Blanton; Communications/Newsletter: Karen Pryde; Programs/Entertainment: Virginia Rehn
2016: Pres: CC Blackburn; VP: Karen Balkman; Secretary: Donna Johnson; Tres: Beth Couch; Activities: Beth Rountree; Database/Website: Susan Boland; Membership: Marian Hansen; Communications/Newsletter: Karen Pryde; Programs/Entertainment: Virginia Rehn
2015: Pres: Terrie Haft; VP: CC Blackburn; Secretary: Louise Wiley; Tres: Cynthia Vick; Activities: Elaine Hessong; Website & Database: Jeanne Sudderth; Membership: Marian Hansen; Communications: Aggie Alexander; Programs: Sid Alexander
2014: Pres: Betty Brown; VP: Terrie Haft; Secretary: Margie Scott; Treas: Cynthia Vick; Activities: Elaine Hessong; Website & Database: Jeanne Sudderth; Membership: Jane Holland; Communications: Sue Gordon; Programs: Joe Pucilowski and Susan Kasper.
2013: Pres: Lynn Johnson; VP: Betty Brown; Secretary: Margie Scott; Treas: Jan Powell; Activities: Judy Rountree-Benedict; Website & Database: Jeanne Sudderth; Membership: Jane Holland; Communications: Sue Gordon; Programs: Mary Jane and Chris McDonnell.
2012: Pres & Website: Jeanne Sudderth, VP: Lynn Johnson, Sec: Rosemary Mulcahy, Treas: Jan Powell, Activities: Paige Willms, Communications: Patty Truax, Database: Madeline Daubert, Membership: Harriet Garrison, Program: Ann Armstrong
2011: Pres: Sylvia Tennille, VP & Website: Jeanne Sudderth, Sec: Rosemary Mulcahy, Treas: Christina Thornton, Activities: Kathleen Finigan, Communications: Patty Truax, Database: Madeline Daubert, Membership: Pat Wilson, Program: Janel Barberito
2010: Pres: Edie Lang, VP: Sylvia Tennille, Sec: Carol Brown, Treas: Jan Tanner, Activities: Kathleen Finigan, Communications: Patty Truax, Database: Madeline Daubert, Membership: Jackie Murrill, Program: Eavelyn Brooks
2009: Pres: Susan Bush, VP: Edie Lang, Sec: Karen Johnson, Treas: Jan Tanner, Activities: Ellen Ziperman, Communications: Patty Truax; Database: Debbie Evilia, Membership: Jackie Murrill, Program: Barbara Beckerman.
2008: Pres: Bonnie Niehoff, VP: Christine Glaser, Sec: Patty Siebert, Treas: Judi Dietrich, Activities: Karen Roberts, Database: Debbie Evilia, Membership: Ellen Ziperman, Newsletter: Shirley Behley, Program: Karen Johnson.
2007: Pres: Joyce Opsahl, VP: Bonnie Niehoff, Sec: Betty Watson, Treas: Judi Dietrich, Activities: Karen Roberts, Database: Joyce Ann Millard, Membership: Jeri Gonzales, Newsletter: Shirley Behley, Program: Karen Johnson.
2006: Pres: Susan Bush; VP: Joyce Opsahl; Sec: Linda Mensch; Treas: Kay Leyrer; Activities: Nancy Andris; Database: Joyce Ann Millard; Membership: Marie O’Connor; Newsletter: Sue Amsler; Program: Pat Bennett.
2005: Pres: Donna Hastie; 1st VP: Babette Huesken; 2nd VP: Susan Bush; Sec: Nancy Ticko; Treas: Kay Leyrer; Membership: Pat Alden; Database: Joyce Ann Millard;
2004: Pres: Cynthia Vilseck; 1st VP: June Rostetter; 2nd VP: Diane Butler; Sec:Barbara Grant; Treas:Georgie Farmer; Database: Julie Ashbeck; Newsletter: Sue Amsler.
2003: Pres: Kathy Meersman; 1st VP: Barbara Carter; 2nd VP: Betty Roemer; Sec: Dale Tait; Treas: Sandy Enslen; Membership: Donna Gorshe; Computer Services: Julie Ashbeck; Newsletter: Sue Amsler.
2002: Pres: Barbara Holmes; 1st VP: Paige Wilms; 2nd VP: Gloria Richards; Sec: Martha Dill; Treas: Charlie Williamson; Membership Chair: Carol Brown; Newsletter: Jeannie Harbaugh; Computer Services: Kim Weatherby.
2001: Pres: Joyce Robb; 1st VP: Cathie McFadden; 2nd VP: Janet Keierleber; Sec:Judy Bolster; Treas: George Roberts.
2000: Pres: Sylvia Jordan; 1st VP: Virginia Sweetman; 2nd VP: Ellen Dodson; Sec: Joyce Robb; Treas: Lynda Snyder.
1998-99: Pres: Sylvia Jordan; Sec-Treas: Betty King.