All applicants: Be sure to read Membership Info, including Dues.
Once your membership is approved, you will be able to change your profile at any time.
Really important: Please make note of the primary email and password NOW so that you can log in LATER!
* Household is defined as any two adults living at the same address.
**The dues cover participation in non-rotation activities such as Arts and Adventures, Hiking, and parties for the remainder of the current membership year (or to serve as substitutes in ongoing rotation activities, if they have missed the rotation signup) and membership for the next year. Note that these households will not need to pay the standard $60 dues for the coming membership year that starts February 1.
All applicants: Be sure to read Membership Info.
- The second is in the Contact Information section and is optional. It is for the Spouse / Partner and is used for sending activity schedules that are gender specific. For example, if the husband signs up for Men's Breakfast/Lunch, he will receive just that notice and will not be "bothered" with other KNN emails.
Once your membership is approved, you will be able to change your profile at any time.
Really important: Please make note of the primary email and password NOW so that you can log in LATER!
Dues: Click here.