Volunteer Job Descriptions updated Spring 2022

Data Volunteer

Position Description

  • Processes activity registrations for the current rotation period.
  • Emails activity packets to all registered participants in the current rotation.
  • Maintains current database of information on both the website and pc-based software during rotation period.


  • Runs synchronizing software between website and pc-based software to keep the membership database updated.
  • Synchronizes website activity registrations for current rotation with pc-based software. 
  • Utilizes pc-based software to create host/group assignments for each activity.
  • Emails activity selection information to membership for use during the upcoming rotation period.
  • Requires (1) 5-6 week period per year.  Very little actual "work" time necessary during this period - approximately 8-12 hours of total "work" time spread over the 5-6 week period.

Database Assistant

  • The Database Assistant will report directly to the Data Chair
  •  Collaborate with the Vice President to design engaging announcements and emails for upcoming parties/events.
  •  Works with Arts & Adventure (A&A) leaders to create effective communication for various A&A activities. 
  •   Provide training and support for A&A team members in the Wild Apricot system
  •   Assisting with updates in Wild Apricot as proficiency is developed. 
  •   Attendance at board meetings is a requirement.
  •   Attend A & A meetings as requested by A&A Leaders (usually only twice per year)
  •   Skills
    •  Should be proficient in Microsoft Excel and MS Word
    •  Graphic manipulation skills being a valuable asset to enhance visual communications.
    •  Ability to learn/be proficient in the Wild Apricot Database system 

Neighborhood Representative (Thirteen Positions)

Position Description

  • Reporting to: Vice President
  • After the Membership Chair, the Neighborhood Representative (NR) is a resource for new residents and the next point of contact for any new KNN member, and will remain their point person. 
  •  It is the responsibility of the NR to welcome their new area residents and KNN members and address questions about KNN, the website, activity menu and 3x/yearly website rotation registrations.
  • The NR will act as a table host, when available, at KNN parties, and host/greeter at their neighborhood August Patio Party.


  • For new residents who are not yet KNN members: Contacts new residents by phone or email and makes a house call to new residents with plant/gift (under $10) & KNN business card within 2 weeks of receiving KPOA New Resident Report from Membership Chair 
  • Emails KNN Membership Chair, Member-to Member, Pres & VP when contact is made
  • Explain the activity selection process and assist as needed. If the timing is mid-rotation, ask if they are interested in getting involved with a "limited hosting" activity. If they are interested, contact the Activity Chair and provide the new member's contact information. 
  • Caution new members about signing up for too much.
  • If, in the rare instance, there are any members without email, the NR will call with reminders about rotation registration and member events.
  • Rotation registration is due at the end of each December, April, and August. The NR will contact any stragglers (is tech-help needed? Questions? Is the member traveling?), reminding them that, if they plan to forego activity registration, it must be indicated on the web-tool registration form. It may be necessary for the NR to do this for the member. This may be done online when the NR is traveling. If you need assistance contact the VP. 
  • Personally, call to invite anyone not yet registered for an event and ask if they would like to join your table. If the member accepts your invitation, make their reservation and follow-up with the VP to ensure the member is assigned to your table.
  • Annual dues payment is required by December 15. Three reminder notifications will be sent by email. When payment is missing, the NR will be asked to follow-up.

At least once yearly, all NRs will meet as a group with the VP to discuss procedures and provide input about how the system might be improved. Any new NR will be trained by the Database Chair. While this post reports to the VP, there may be occasional interaction with other board members such as the Membership, Member-to-Member, Activity and Database Chairs.

Member-to-Member program

Position Description

Member to Member Coordinator


·      The coordinator sends an email to a new member within a week of the email blast from the membership chair.   Coordinator follows up email with phone call/text to assess interest in a M2M lunch/brunch.

·      The coordinator finds an existing member (host) with interests similar to the new member and contacts them about participation.  If the host is interested, the coordinator sends the new member’s contact information along with information on KNN activities and Kenmure Acronym Glossary.

·      The coordinator submits a monthly report for KNN Board on the status of new members’ participation along with dates of scheduled lunch/bunches.  This report is also shared with Kenmure Country Club staff.

·      Attend monthly KNN Board meetings.

Member to Member Host(s)


·      The Host contacts the new member(s) and sets up a mutually agreeable date for lunch/brunch at Kenmure Country Club (KCC).

·      The Host informs KCC when making a reservation that the lunch/brunch is a M2M activity.

·      The Host informs the M2M coordinator of the date (and its completion) for lunch/brunch so that information can be included in the monthly report.

·      The Host shares information with new member(s) using materials provided by the M2M coordinator and answers questions about KNN, KCC and the community to the best of their ability.

Updated November 2, 2022 

    Activity Leaders 

    Position Description

    • Serve as resource person for the group
    • Coordinates and for certain activities plans activities for the group
    • Work with Data Chair and Activity Chair to ensure information about the group is accurate.
    • Problem solve any issues that may arise


    • Most activities assignments are made in computer but those such as Happy Needlers, Hiking, Women’s Book Club and Adventurers are planned and coordinated by the Activity Leader for the entire rotation
    • Answer questions about activity from prospective/current members
    • Alert members when changes occur during the rotation (adding/deleting members, change in activity/host, adjusting   assignments/group composition, etc.)
    • Send information about planned activities to members prior to each event or ensure that delegated leader does this
    • Review Activity Information Sheet for accuracy prior to each rotation
    • Problem solve any issues that may arise after rotation has begun
    • As needed, consult with Activity Chair
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